Romanian River Shipping Company NAVROM transports over 10 million tons of various goods, as ore, charcoal, cement, limestone, grains, fertilizers, rolled steel, parts and equipment. These goods go through both internal (Galati, Constanta, Cernavoda, Medgidia, Mahmudia, etc.) and external routes to Ukraine, Republic of Moldova, Bulgaria, Serbia, Croatia, Hungary, Austria and Germany.

The cargo fleet of the company comprises in covered and uncovered barges with capacities between 1000-3000 tons and 1300 tons tank barges. For handling the cargo fleet, C.N.F.R. NAVROM S.A. owns a fleet of pushers with power range between 800-3500 HP and tugs of 400-550 HP.

Benefiting from a financing program by the IFC / World Bank, C.N.F.R. NAVROM S.A. carried out an extensive fleet modernization program between 2006-2007, consisting in complete retrofitting of 14 line pushers, including engines replacement with new ones. Subsequently, the program was continued using NAVROM’s own funds, by upgrading 7 maneuvering pushers, four 1600 HP shallow-draft pushers purchased during 2011-2015, as well as two additional 2500 HP line pushers already owned by the company.

The Navrom fleet allows cargo transportation in a single convoy of 15.000 Tons on internal routes and 10.000 Tons on external ones. The cargo’s route between Constanta and Rotterdam is reduced by approx. 5.000 km on the European navigable route Danube-Rhin-Main. On this itinerary, Navrom manages to transport goods between Constanta and Regensburg in 20 days.